Friday 26 October 2007

Courtyard research

Here are a few images i looked at that could help the design of the courtyard, showing erosion and sculpture.

Having a bench being carved into a man is a really cool idea as it lets something quite random in a scene have a purpose.

Thursday 25 October 2007

Texture experiment

Here I've experimented in photoshop with a photo of a wall i took in Barcelona. All I've tyred to do is simplify it and apply it to a plane in maya, experimenting with bump map and specular mapping.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

Research from Barcelona

During our time in Barcelona we took allot of photos of architecture and textures that could be used in our environment, or as reference material. Below are a few photos i took that i like and what we could possibly integrate into our design.

This photo is from inside a cathedral we visited. I really like the pillar design and the arches they sprout into at the ceiling. I also think that the lighting is particularly nice, with the yellows, reds and blues.

I really like this decorative door design, having the gold handles all over it as well as the gold plates.

We thought these gargoyles poses were how we imagined ours sitting in the environment, and the wings look really nice also.

I like the stain glass jutting out over the entrance of the shop, I'm pretty sure it was a light also that lit up at night.

Initial research: 3D environments

Here are a few 3D environments i particularly like, form what the group looked at, when researching 3D environments created by other people.

I really like how this has been heavily stylised to look like its cell shaded, the chunkiness and colours all make it much more engaging.

Bearing in mind that our story has a gargoyle, this owl creature is something that's really interesting. The Artist having mixed up the owls body with some human features, allows the character to express itself more so than it would have been able to with just a beak. as well as that i like the style of the model, quite chiseled and hard.

Abstracted rooms, with distorted interior could work well with our story.

Tuesday 23 October 2007

Initial enviroment research

To begin we started by looking at photos of interior and exterior architecture, in theme with our initial idea of having the Gothic edged stylised environment.
Image taken by 'kmasda', DevArt.

Image taken by 'lenagnl', DevArt.
The angle this image is taken from is really interesting and is something that could be used as a POV shot from our character looking down the stairs if we were to model a staircase as elaborate as this.

Image taken By 'Nightline', DevArt.
I particularly like the dramatic lighting in this photo, contrasting with the traditional architecture.

Image taken by 'KevLewis', DevArt.
I like the light shining through the stain glass window in this hallway, i think stain glass could be a good way of projecting a particular mood in a room, in a way that natural lighting couldn't do.