Monday, 19 November 2007

Modeling i've done to date part.5

My last object to model was the chandelier for the ballroom, i didn't know quite where to start with it but Dan.C had the idea of having a picture of the glass beads on a place and have the black transparent to make things easier for everyone. However... I personally didn't like the effect it gave off so i modeled a Crystal and duplicated it...and duplicated it...and grouped it... and duplicated it, you get the idea. Basically, there were allot of polygons buy the time i finished and then there was the issue of animating them when Chester jumps on the chandelier. no one particularly wanted to attempt that and the render time was also really slow... goodbye crystals.

Hello stiff lighting with no crystals! having gone in a completely different direction in design, i think that this is actually really cool and low poly! I added spirl's on each corner for decoration, which eventually came in handy for when it came to having something to connect the chains to from the sealing.

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