Friday, 2 November 2007

Scenery modeling

Over the past week or so I've been modeling various parts of the house, courtyard and ballroom. Primarily the objects that the gargoyle will be interacting with. Rather then modeling an object and texturing it right after, we decided that it would be easier to UV map the objects after everything has been modeled. This decision was made so Dan.C would be able to start animation Chester as soon as possible.

This is the grave that i modeled for the court yard that will be duplicated 2 more times for the 3 graves in total. We decided to keep the graves quite simple, like a typical grave would be. Once I've textured it i will extract parts to make it look eroded.

Above are two images of what will be the ballroom table, it still needs some minor tweaks along with the texturing, but apart form that its more or less finished. I particularly like the table legs, as opposed to having just one leg on each corner.

Above are two images of one of the four towers that will spiral up above the main house to the dead princesses bedroom. I'm simply going to duplicate it three more times and re-work each tower to be different from one another, rather than starting from scratch each time.

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